¡ Message
Dear Rev. Miyake,

I anticipate that you are of good health and doing well in all your various activities.
It was a pleasure to meet you at the WCRP Assembly in Amman. In the mean time I received the Millennium Memorial Edition of tThe Fountains which I read attentively. Your own article on tGlobal Responsibilitys raised my special interest. I fully share your conviction that we need global standards which are truly universal for all human societies. The Global Ethic project which we are promoting is precisely an attempt to develop a set of such common ethical standards and attitudes.
I am sure that we shall find further occasions to meet in this common task and wish you all the best for your important work.



Dear The Most Rev. Tatsuo Miyake(Senior Chief
Minister, Konko Church of Izuo),

Thank you so much for the fountain publication particularly millenium memorial edition received to me late January 26th 2000.
I was so much excited by the article named "The Role of religion in the next millenium".
The article contains seriousness and commitment to enhance the economic status of women and Children in the world who are majority sufferers.
I am also wish to convey my warm congratulations to all participants and presenters at that conference, I wish to convey as well as my Condolence to the late Toshio Miyake who was passed away on Aug,31, 1999. I believe his gap won't be easier covered.
I do promise personally to continue implementing those good ideas left behind us, we in Tanzania East Africa hope that with confidence that my latter will open the way back communication with you.
I'm waiting to hear from you.

Thanking You in advance.

Yours Truly,
Sheikh Hassan Chizenga, Director
Tanzania Muslim Supreme Council of Tanzania.